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Trump Unveils Plans For Year-Long 250th Anniversary Bash

Chris Agee
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The United States will be turning 250 years old in just over three years, and former President Donald Trump is already thinking about the semiquincentennial celebration he will lead if he is elected to serve another term next year.

In a video he released this week, Trump described a year-long celebration dubbed the Salute to America 250. From the date of his inauguration in January 2025, Trump said that he would work with a task force to plan out a series of local, state, and national events beginning on Memorial Day of that year.

“Three years from now, the United States will celebrate the biggest and most important milestone in our country’s history — 250 years of American Independence,” he asserted. “That’s why as a nation, we should be preparing for the most spectacular birthday party. We want to make it the best of all time.”


He pitched Iowa, an important state in the upcoming presidential primaries, as a central component of his plans, explaining: “My hope is that the amazing people of Iowa will work with my administration to open up the legendary Iowa State Fairgrounds to host the great American state fair and welcome millions and millions of visitors from around the world to the heartland of America for this special one-time festival.”

Signaling a desire to bring Americans together regardless of party affiliation, he vowed to work with all of the nation’s governors to establish a “Great American State Fair” with festivities honoring all 50 states.

The former president said that the fair would “showcase the glory of every state in the union, promote pride in our history, and put forth innovative visions for America’s future.”

Furthermore, Trump’s idea for an extended commemoration of the nation’s 250th anniversary would also include “patriot games” featuring some of the most talented high school athletes in the United States to “show off the best of American skill, sportsmanship, and competitive spirit.”

In conjunction with the anniversary, he indicated his intention to re-issue an executive order that was revoked by President Joe Biden just months after the current administration began. Known as the “National Garden of American Heroes,” Trump said that the plan would involve commissioning artists to create “the first 100 statues to populate this new statuary park honoring the greatest Americans of all time.”


Not only would the celebration renew Americans’ appreciation for their own national history, Trump said, but it would also provide a major boost for domestic tourism.

“America’s tourist industry should get ready because we’re going to have a lot of people coming. It will be a record year,” he concluded. 

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