In a remarkable turn of events, New York City has ended up in the position of rewarding failure. The narrative unfurled around Herman Grim, who repeatedly...
Republican lawmakers are expressing their outrage on social media after former President Donald Trump announced that he is a target in the Department of Justice’s (DOJ)...
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Assistant Secretary Rachel Levine is the highest ranking “trans” member of the Biden administration. Interviewed last week for ABC’s...
The judges and commissioners of Frio, Karnes, La Salle and Medina counties in Texas have officially declared an invasion at the southern border. This declaration highlights...
Two liberal human relations commissioners in Hamtramck, Michigan, bucked the all-Muslim city council by flying the “Pride” flag on city property in violation of the recent...
After decades of social progress among feminists fighting for women to have an equal voice in American culture, modern leftists are determined to allow biological males...
Although many on the left reject the theory that a rapid rise in young people identifying as LGBT is part of a social contagion, new evidence...
Celebrity chef Guy Fieri is being targeted by the left-wing cancel-culture mob on social media after he shook hands with former President Donald Trump after a...
A profound shift is occurring across America and globally, with nearly 30% of U.S. households now comprising a single person. This evolution in living arrangements, characterized...
The U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a ruling on Saturday that authorized Tennessee to enforce its ban on transgender surgery for minors. This milestone...
There has been significant cultural pushback to the efforts of leftist activists and groups who attempt to expose young people to controversial graphic sexual content that...