In a disturbing turn of events that underscores the growing concerns over property rights in New York City, a Queens couple finds themselves embroiled in a...
In a gesture meant to honor their unique sacrifices and stories, children of National Guard families have been invited to partake in a longstanding White House...
As ordinary Americans continue struggling to afford basic necessities under the Biden administration’s economy, a number of prominent Democrats have engaged in an effort to convince...
The city of Oakland brought the hammer down on a wheelchair-bound 102-year-old man and his 70-year-old son. They were ordered to paint over a graffiti-covered fence...
The ongoing cultural attack on “Whiteness,” and White males in particular, has been increasingly evident within the realms of entertainment and academia for years, but a...
Although Democratic New York Gov. Kathy Hochul attracted criticism for her decision to deploy National Guard troops to conduct searches and bag searches along the New...
West Virginia State Sen. Patricia Rucker (R) is spearheading legislation to dismantle what many see as a divisive framework within educational systems. The proposed “Restoring Sanity...
Despite his acquittal on all charges and video evidence that appeared to support his claim that he acted in self-defense, Kyle Rittenhouse has been characterized as...
A former NBC Universal senior executive and current “lifestyle expert” wrote an eerie post on social media concerning former President Donald Trump’s young son. Mike Sington...
Few public figures evoke a more visceral response than billionaire Elon Musk, who is revered by many for his tech innovation, philanthropy and free speech advocacy,...
Amid an unprecedented influx of illegal immigration under the Biden administration, a number of troubling reports have highlighted the elevated threat of crime associated with unsecured...