Defending Democracy Together (DDT), a notorious anti-Trump organization, finds itself embroiled in ethical and financial controversy. New reports show that FEC filings indicate the organization funneled...
President Joe Biden proved over the weekend that he is far from above repeating the lies that the left-wing media and his political allies are spreading...
On Monday, the Supreme Court appeared to favor arguments on behalf of the National Rifle Association (NRA) in an important First Amendment case against former New...
President Joe Biden is reportedly “angry and anxious” about his struggling campaign for reelection. According to a Sunday report from NBC News journalists Peter Nicholas, Courtney...
After the Biden campaign, prominent Democrats and the mainstream media began pushing a blatant lie about former president and presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump’s recent comments...
Concerns among conservatives about America’s departure from its Christian heritage are nothing new, but one GOP senator recently highlighted what he sees as a particularly troubling...
New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) has made a surprising announcement — revealing that the once-proud “sanctuary city” was planning to enact stricter regulations on...
The Biden Administration announced that it is approving $500 million in financing for oil development in the Middle East. The funding will be directed primarily to...
A new lawsuit alleges an anti-Trump Democratic election official in Pennsylvania illegally created five ballot drop box sites for voters to deposit their mail-in ballots. Two...
On Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a unanimous ruling declaring that in certain cases, Americans have the right to sue government officials who block or...
A parade of Democratic witnesses showed their true colors on Tuesday during a Senate Judiciary hearing on the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. None were willing...