As the nation’s leading provider of abortion services, Planned Parenthood has long been a prominent rival of pro-life advocates and organizations. In the wake of last...
In an unexpected twist, Christopher J. Clark, a key attorney for Hunter Biden, moved to step away from the president’s son’s mounting legal troubles. The decision...
It is no secret that leftist deep state organizations target conservative voices online both through censorship and by going after their ad revenue. Now, House Republicans...
A woman who apparently came to visit the United States from Australia went on a rant on TikTok, complaining about how common it was to see...
In yet another dramatic sign that the DeSantis for President campaign is flailing, a new poll showed New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie leading the Florida governor...
Despite his far-left positions on issues like climate change, Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is nonetheless popular within some conservative circles for his opposition...
During a speech in Wisconsin on Tuesday, President Joe Biden celebrated his economic record and claimed that “inflation is down” — even as millions of Americans...
In a decisive move against “woke” influences in education, the Alabama Republican Party has put forth new measures to limit the sway of state and national...
An apparent leak of the Georgia grand jury’s indictment on Monday of former President Donald Trump and 18 others is above the paygrade of controversial Fulton...
Buffalo officials are pulling back the red carpet for illegal migrants shipped from New York City after two separate accusations of attacks at area hotels. Western...