Despite his often contradictory advice throughout the pandemic and controversial involvement in research that many critics believe led to disastrous consequences around the world, Dr. Anthony...
In a Sunday appearance on MSNBC’s “Inside with Jen Psaki,” former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) advocated for term limits for Supreme Court justices. Pelosi’s call...
It is now confirmed that the FBI unmistakably knew that the Hunter Biden laptop was legitimate long before the bureau infamously declared the discovery to have...
States are proposing new ways to generate highway revenue due to plummeting tax dollars coming into coffers from the traditional source. Biden’s inflation, fuel efficiency of...
If you want sizzling New York ladies of the center class, hang out in the shops. When New York Fashion is hookup safe Week comes, all...
Articles Realness of Asian birdes-to-be Well, it’s clear – having an Asian wife for an average white American man is a type of dream. If you...
A large group of Muslim Canadians held a protest outside of the office of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, calling the far-left politician out for pushing...
Minnesota-based multinational 3M agreed to pay $10.3 billion to U.S. communities that accused the company of polluting their drinking water with “forever chemicals.” Pollutants including perfluoroalkyl...
In March 2021, President Joe Biden signed an executive order instructing federal agencies to interfere in the election process, which included an order to help Americans...
A shocking revelation made headlines across New Hampshire and the nation this week as biological male Stacie Laughton, the state’s first elected transgender representative, found himself...