The Los Angeles Dodgers has gone back and forth over its decision to celebrate a group of drag queens known as the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence...
Fox News Channel has seen its audience dwindle considerably since its decision to cut ties with top-rated host Tucker Carlson last month. Now, former President Donald...
New York City professor Shellyne Rodriguez achieved social media infamy recently when a video emerged that appeared to show her spewing vulgarities at a group of...
Joy Behar has come under fire from conservatives on countless occasions during her time as a co-host of ABC’s “The View” for spreading bizarre and often...
A Christian teacher has been banned from teaching in England after accidentally “misgendering” a student and being honest about his position on gay marriage when a...
The Michigan Supreme Court is going to wade into the waters of a long-simmering dispute over whether the state may use drones to surveil citizens without...
As Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams transports undocumented migrants out of his city to predominantly Republican-led areas elsewhere across the state, reports earlier this...
Even as individuals around the world are dealing with the consequences of a perceived overreaction to the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization is already sounding...
Amid backlash over highly inappropriate pro-transgender merchandise for children being sold in their stores, including items from a satanist designer, Target has begun scrambling to move...
Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch has issued a stern rebuke of the government’s use of pandemic emergency powers. In a blistering eight-page statement issued in Arizona...
As the nationwide drug shortage situation intensifies, former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Scott Gottlieb has raised a warning flag over the newly enacted so-called...