The standoff between Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) and the Department of Defense continues over the issue of abortion. An estimated 250 military nominees are up for...
The Biden White House is prepared to not only rejoin the anti-US and anti-Israel United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), but it is about...
Despite frequently professing his Catholic faith, President Joe Biden has long been accused of blatantly violating the church’s teachings — most notably through his defense of...
Republican lawmakers have cited an increasing number of sources in recent months as part of an overarching narrative that suggests President Joe Biden took part in...
Ever-defiant former President Donald Trump told an enthusiastic crowd at the North Carolina Republican Party convention Saturday that he will defeat the “globalist vultures in the...
When a vessel identified as a Chinese spy balloon traveled over the continental United States earlier this year, the Biden administration opted to wait until it...
A new Harvard/Harris poll shows that most registered voters agree that President Joe Biden took part in an “illegal influence peddling scheme when he was Vice...
After giving itself a pat on the back for supposedly taking out a high-up official involved with the Islamic terrorist group Al-Qaeda, the Biden administration has...
During his first interview since announcing his 2024 reelection campaign, President Joe Biden falsely claimed that his economy is better than his predecessor’s during comments about...
Nearly two years after President Joe Biden’s disastrous botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Biden administration still has not fully vetted more than 88,000 Afghan refugees who...
Joe Biden drew criticism this week by stating that “our nation’s children are all our children,” implying a collective responsibility for the well-being of American children....