Jeff Clark former U.S. assistant attorney general civil division and senior fellow at the Center for Renewing America has claimed on X that former Trump adviser...
German and Czech officials have said that hackers from Russia’s GRU military intelligence unit leveraged a previously unknown vulnerability in Microsoft Outlook to carry out a...
Heather Idoni, a 61-year-old pro-life grandmother from Michigan, finds herself at the center of a debate surrounding the Biden administration’s aggressive prosecution of pro-life activists under...
At a campaign rally on Wednesday in Waukesha, Wisconsin, former president and presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump vowed to put an end to President Joe Biden’s...
On Monday, a devastating confrontation in Charlotte, North Carolina, saw four law enforcement officers tragically killed as they attempted to serve a warrant in the Shannon...
An entitled district attorney from Monroe County, New York, is in hot water after she refused to stop for police after they tried to pull her...
A number of prominent conservative pundits have argued that the left’s ultimate goal involves providing a so-called “path to citizenship” for all those who violated the...
Nina Jankowicz, once at the helm of the disbanded Disinformation Governance Board under the Department of Homeland Security, has surfaced again with a purportedly bipartisan initiative....
Joe Biden’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has issued new regulations that significantly tighten the requirements on who must register as a Federal...
A Democratic congressman recently provided more stark evidence of the thoroughly misguided priorities that guide the political left. Rep. Gerald Connolly (D-VA) declared that Ukraine’s border...