The censors at YouTube pulled an interview of Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr with Dr. Jordan Peterson off their platform over claims that chemicals...
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) has sent a letter to the IRS detailing an investigation into allegations about the “bizarre” tactics of one...
A controversial provision in the Communications Decency Act — known as Section 230 — has come under bipartisan fire in recent years for essentially providing social...
The American Medical Association (AMA) last week declared that the traditional body mass index (BMI) metric used for determining health factors caused “historical harm” through “racist...
Marquette University Professor Grant Silva expressed a troubling sentiment in a Flag Day discussion aired on Milwaukee NPR station WUWM. He confessed that he felt “anxiety”...
As part of the ongoing targeting of Christians worldwide, and the continued brutal attacks on Christians in Africa, rebels in Uganda are suspected of carrying out...
The rapid rise of artificial intelligence has created a host of cultural and ethical quandaries — including whether music composed entirely by a machine should be...
Although well-intentioned Americans disagree on the ethical implications of capital punishment, few individuals on either side of the debate would actively advocate for a death row...
Reverence for the American flag was the subject of recent reports after an LGBT “pride” flag was given a position of prominence over the stars and...
Criticism of the FBI has been on the rise among conservatives lately amid allegations that the bureau has attempted to shield President Joe Biden from scrutiny...