The son of a murdered Mexican journalist made an explosive accusation against a well-known human rights activist in the dangerous border city of Nuevo Laredo. Journalist...
In the aftermath of a bombshell report alleging that a pivotal set of gas pipelines between Russia and Germany was attacked by the U.S. government last...
Russian President Vladimir Putin used his state-of-the-nation address Wednesday to announce Moscow’s suspension of its participation in the START Treaty. This is the last remaining nuclear...
Amid continued criticism over his lack of support for the residents impacted by the historic disaster in Ohio, President Joe Biden pledged support for never-ending war...
Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a speech to the Russian people Tuesday, during which he attacked the Western push for left-wing gender ideology and other similar...
China’s support of the Russian invasion of Ukraine has taken a new turn, as reports emerge of Chinese drones playing a crucial role in the conflict....
A British woman arrested in December 2022 for silently praying outside an abortion clinic in Birmingham, England, has been formally acquitted of all criminal charges. The...
After spending over a month in the United States, former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro plans to return home to his country. Speaking with a crowd of...
Italy has been hit by a massive-scale ransomware hacking attack, targeting thousands of computer servers globally, according to Italy’s National Cybersecurity Agency (ACN). The attack aimed...
Last year, President Joe Biden asserted that delivering offensive military equipment — including tanks — to Ukraine as part of that nation’s ongoing battle against invading...
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who became infamous for her strong support of draconian lockdown policies, has announced her resignation. Ardern, 42, announced during a...