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Dutch Protesters Fight Back Against Government Land Grabs

Anastasia Boushee
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On Saturday, Dutch farmers traveled to the de facto capital of the Netherlands to protest against their government’s tyrannical climate policies that will infringe on their livelihoods, steal their land and force a reduction in farming that would lead to a decrease in food production.

More than 10,000 farmers gathered in The Hague to protest against the Dutch government’s plans to cut the country’s nitrogen emissions in half by 2030. Climate alarmism has prompted Dutch officials to try to cap “emissions of nitrogen oxides from farm animal manure and… ammonia in fertilizer,” which they plan to do over the next year by closing up to 3,000 farms located near what they have deemed “environmentally sensitive areas.”


The Dutch government has claimed that these farm closures will initially be voluntary, but the threat of compulsory land buyouts for farmers who refuse to comply with the “voluntary” closures by the fall makes it clear that these actions are an attack on farmers’ basic property rights.

Several farmers at Saturday’s protest spoke with Rebel News about their frustration with the government.

“We see the farmers around us, and we know how important our farmers are. How will we eat if we don’t produce food?” one protestor said. “For all those families, they [have been] there for centuries. It’s their country. They made it bloom.”

Another protester argued that Dutch officials are “lying to our faces,” asserting that the government is “trying to steal the companies from the farmers, and they’re trying to take our freedom away.”


This is not the first time that Dutch farmers have gathered to protest against their government. In 2022, roughly 40,000 farmers in tractors and trucks participated in demonstrations against the government’s regulations — causing traffic jams on major highways and even blockading supermarket distribution centers.

The Dutch government followed the lead of tyrannical Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in their response to the protests — using brutal force against the farmers, and deploying tear gas and dogs to break up protests in cities such as Heerenveen. Canada’s government used similar tactics in their response to truckers protesting their tyrannical vaccine mandates.