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Mark Cuban Confessed To Illegal Diversity Hiring Practices

Graham Perdue
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Woke billionaire Mark Cuban backed himself into a corner during an online rant and may well have brought legal trouble down onto his enterprises. His undoing was a social media thread in which he touted his questionable hiring practices.

The part owner of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks wrote, “I’ve never hired anyone based exclusively on race, gender, religion. I only ever hire the person that will put my business in the best position to succeed.”

After qualifying his statement with “exclusively,” Cuban could have and probably should have stopped there. He didn’t.


He added, “and yes, race and gender can be part of the equation. I view diversity as a competitive advantage.” While that may play well among his leftist circle of colleagues, a federal official paid to know such things was not amused.

Andrea R. Lucas is the Commissioner of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. She stepped in and took the opportunity to correct Mr. Cuban after he congratulated himself on his wisdom.

Lucas posted in response, “@mcuban, EEOC Commissioner here. Unfortunately you’re dead wrong on black-letter Title VII law.” 

Then she added, “As a general rule, [diversity] can’t even be a ‘motivating factor — nor a plus factor, tie-breaker or tipping point. It’s important employers understand the ground rules here.”


At that point a comment came from Sen. Eric Schmitt (R-MO). He simply posted, “Call your lawyer.”

Despite the admonishment, Cuban was undeterred. He continued to spout the advantages and merits of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives.

Users of X, formerly Twitter, were not impressed with Cuban’s diatribe on the importance of abolishing a colorblind society. ZNO responded with the observation that “it seems you’re in violation of federal law. What now? You racist.”

The popular Redheaded Libertarian account posted an image of the puppet Elmo holding his hands up in front of an explosion.

For Cuban and his ilk, the ends always justify the means. Blatant discrimination in the cause of supposedly fighting racism is justified if it leads to more “diversity.”

Only, the end result is just more discrimination and a less equitable society.