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Trump Roasts Jimmy Kimmel During Oscars

Anastasia Boushee
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Leftist “comedian” Jimmy Kimmel bombed at the Oscars over the weekend, performing so poorly that he desperately tried to regain the support of the audience by reading a Truth Social post from former president and presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump — who brutally roasted Kimmel and the Oscars in general.

Kimmel’s jokes fell flat with the Oscars crowd this weekend, especially his attempt to joke about actor Robert Downey Jr.’s successful recovery from addiction.

That joke reflected poorly for most viewers, with Fox News contributor Mollie Hemingway pointing out that Kimmel is “not very funny. His jokes were cruel and mean. He went after Robert Downey Jr for being a recovering addict.”

As he continued to flail on stage, Kimmel desperately tried to win over the audience with the one thing that unites the vast majority of Hollywood and the media — attacking Trump.

However, in trying to attack Trump, many believe that Kimmel ended up making himself look worse, considering the fact that he read a post from Trump aloud that brutally mocked the very event he was hosting.

Declaring Kimmel a “washed up” talent, Trump argued that the Oscars should have picked someone else to host.


“Has there EVER been a WORSE HOST than Jimmy Kimmel at The Oscars. His opening was that of a less than average person trying too hard to be something which he is not, and never can be,” he wrote.

He then suggested that ABC, the network airing the Oscars, should “get rid of Kimmel” and instead replace him with a cheaper radical leftist host, commentator George Stephanopoulos.

“Get rid of Kimmel and perhaps replace him with another washed up, but cheap, ABC ‘talent,’ George Slopanopoulos,” Trump quipped.

“He would make everybody on stage look bigger, stronger, and more glamorous. Also a really bad politically correct show tonight, and for years – Disjointed, boring, and very unfair. Why don’t they just give the Oscars to those that deserve them. Maybe that way their audience and TV ratings will come back from the depths. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” he concluded.

The clip of Kimmel reading Trump’s post went viral on social media, with many mocking the desperate attempt to remain relevant.

“Everyone laughing at Trump’s tweet, quite a few not clapping at Kimmel’s joke about Trump… the silent majority is growing,” Marine and Fox News contributor Joey Jones wrote in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter.