Church Of England Leader Lashes Out At ‘Whiteness,’ ‘Patriarchy’

The ongoing cultural attack on “Whiteness,” and White males in particular, has been increasingly evident within the realms of entertainment and academia for years, but a recent report revealed just how ingrained this racial and gender bias has become among some religious leaders.
According to reports, Archdeaconness of Liverpool Miranda Threlfall-Holmes, a senior clergy member in the Church of England, revealed how she became inculcated with the notion that White people and males were worthy of ridicule simply based on their immutable physical characteristics.
Using a social media account on which she has recently neglected to share her thoughts about the ongoing Holy Week observances that are of utmost importance to Christians worldwide, Threlfall-Holmes instead opted to opine about a leftist seminar she attended months ago.
“I went to a conference on whiteness last autumn,” she began. “It was very good, very interesting and made me realise: whiteness is to race as patriarchy is to gender.”
Her apparent awakening to the woke agenda left her with a clear mission to “have anti-whiteness” and “smash the patriarchy,” though she attempted to preemptively distance herself from the allegations of racism and sexism that her remarks would naturally draw.
“That’s not anti-white, or anti-men, it’s anti-oppression,” she insisted.
Nevertheless, her social media tirade sparked widespread backlash, including from other clergy members. Rev. David Messner, for example, sought some clarification.
“Slightly confused by this, so being born white is wrong?” he asked.
Threlfall-Holmes replied that it was not, but went on to assert that he needed to “seek out the training.”
Of course, the archdeaconness is not alone in embracing the anti-White worldview that has taken root in leftist circles across the West in recent years. The Diocese of York recently published a help-wanted advertisement seeking a “racial justice enabler” to work part-time performing duties including combatting so-called “white fragility.”
Rev. Dr. Ian Paul of St. Nicholas’ Church in Nottingham, who holds a seat on the Archbishops’ Council, reacted harshly to the trend.
“The racist nature of this ‘antiracism’ approach is evident in the actions being taken,” he concluded, noting that instead of offering a unifying message, the church had shifted toward a narrative that aimed to “make people feel guilty” about the color of their skin.