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Trump Promises To Free Ross Ulbricht, Appoint Libertarians To Cabinet In Historic Speech

James King, MPA
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President Donald Trump promised to commute the sentence of Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht if elected during an unprecedented speech at the Libertarian National Convention Saturday. Trump became the first presidential candidate to address another party’s convention where they were selecting their own nominee.

“If you vote for me, on day one, I will commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht,” Trump declared to the audience. He also pledged to appoint a commission, including a Libertarian member, to review cases of political prisoners under President Joe Biden.


Ulbricht is serving two life sentences plus 40 years without parole for his role in creating Silk Road, a dark web marketplace that allowed anonymous buying and selling of products, some illegal, often using Bitcoin. Though Ulbricht claims he was not involved in the illegal activities, he was convicted of conspiracy to distribute various illicit materials.

Trump further committed to including Libertarians in his cabinet if elected in November. He highlighted several Libertarian victories and accomplishments from his administration.

Facing numerous charges he considers spurious lawfare, Trump remarked, “If I wasn’t a Libertarian before, I sure as Hell am a Libertarian now.” He encouraged Libertarians to nominate or vote for him, asking “What’s the point of getting your 3% every 4 years? It’s time to win.”