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Ex-FBI Agent Blows Whistle On Agency’s ‘Torture Tactics’ Against Jan. 6 Defendants

James King, MPA
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Steve Friend, a former FBI agent turned whistleblower, is calling out the agency for using excessive force and scare tactics when arresting individuals connected to the January 6 Capitol riot. In the new documentary “Capitol Punishment 2: The War on Truth,” Friend alleges that the FBI’s use of SWAT raids against these defendants is not only unnecessary but also intended to inflict pain and trauma.

“The FBI’s become the bully, and I need to stand up against that,” Friend said in the film. He questioned the need for tactical teams and flash-bang grenades when dealing with suspects who have already agreed to cooperate with authorities.

Friend, a five-year veteran of the FBI’s SWAT team, suggested alternative approaches such as issuing court summons or using surveillance to determine the best time for local law enforcement to contact the subjects. His concerns led to his suspension without pay in 2022 after he refused to participate in these heavy-handed raids.


Several January 6 defendants like Mark and Jalise Middleton of Texas have experienced the FBI’s intimidation tactics firsthand. Jalise recounted how flash-bang grenades were detonated behind her as she exited their home with her hands raised. “It’s symbolism,” she said, suggesting that the FBI wanted to send a message and retaliate against those they accused of attacking them.

Actor Nick Searcy, the producer of both “Capitol Punishment” documentaries, described the FBI’s actions as a form of terror designed to silence and frighten American citizens. He pointed out how these raids are conducted in full view of the suspects’ neighbors and communities painting them as dangerous criminals even when they’re not accused of engaging in violence or entering the Capitol building.

As more stories of the FBI’s heavy-handedness come to light, it’s clear that a thorough investigation into the agency’s tactics is needed to ensure that the rights of all Americans are protected and that justice is served fairly and impartially.