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Congressman Blasts Missing Barcodes On Duplicate Ballots: People Responsible ‘Need To Be Held Accountable’

Eric Simmons
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Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-WI) has voiced alarm over the discovery of thousands of duplicate absentee ballots missing barcodes, challenging claims by Madison officials that the ballots were properly marked and unable to be counted twice. In a post on X, Tiffany revealed that his office had obtained evidence showing absentee ballots without barcodes, contradicting statements from the Madison Clerk’s Office.

Earlier, officials in Madison claimed that the voting system would prevent any absentee ballots with duplicate barcodes from being submitted. However, Tiffany has provided photos of ballots with no barcode at all, raising serious concerns about the potential for election fraud.

Tiffany’s post followed a revelation from Madison election officials that 2,215 duplicate absentee ballots had been sent out to voters in approximately 10 wards. Madison’s Clerk’s Office downplayed the error, issuing a brief statement that claimed the issue had been caught and corrected, but provided few details.


In a letter addressed to Maribeth Witzel-Behl, the Madison City Clerk, Tiffany expressed deep concern, writing, “Like many Wisconsinites, I was alarmed by recent reports that ‘around 2,000’ duplicate ballots have been sent out by your office.” He questioned how the error was discovered and demanded more transparency on the exact number of affected ballots.

Tiffany went on to ask if the Clerk’s Office had alerted law enforcement to investigate whether the incident was due to incompetence or something more deliberate. He warned that the matter should not be swept under the rug. “The people responsible for this need to be held accountable,” Tiffany said in a statement to Fox News.

The news of the duplicate absentee ballots has heightened concerns over election integrity in Wisconsin, a state often in the spotlight for its role in national elections. With the upcoming presidential race, Rep. Tiffany and others are calling for thorough investigations to ensure the security of the voting process.

Many conservatives have raised concerns over absentee ballot practices in recent years, pointing to errors like this as evidence of potential vulnerabilities in the system. As the story develops, election officials are under pressure to provide clear answers and restore public confidence in the voting process.
