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Texas Outlet Fabricates Story Of Libertarian Inciting Violence Over Eminent Domain

Darian Douraghy
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As RedState aptly noted in a Thursday piece, many seem to believe that local media outlets are significantly more true to the facts than those who cover news nationally. 

Unfortunately, it turns out that smaller news outlets also fall short of the truth.

The Current, which is the self-described “premiere multimedia source of alternative news, events and culture” for San Antonio, Texas, since 1986, recently put out a report disingenuously suggesting that Bexar County Libertarian Party head JR Haseloff attempted to incite violence over the city’s plan to use eminent domain to seize control of a man’s bar for city renovations. 


This was referring to an address Haseloff delivered to the city council arguing in favor of allowing Vince Catu, the bar’s owner, to maintain control of his property. According to their reporting, Haseloff “suggested that some property-rights advocates may resort to violence if San Antonio uses eminent domain to take over downtown bar Moses Rose’s Hideout.”

“While out of an abundance of caution, we marked this as a peaceful protest, I am here to testify to you that there are men, women, organizations and individuals across the state of Texas that are very much prepared to sacrifice much more to prevent your theft of this man’s property,” Haseloff said in his remarks to the city council. “I can only pray that you and politicians across Texas are receiving this message.”

He added, “Let me be clear, we will not stand idly by and watch you steal property from one of our fellow Texans. We will fight, and we will win.”

Haseloff’s full remarks were posted on the Libertarian Party of Bexar County website, which noted that his words were taken out of context.

“Cherry picking sensationalist quotes may drive clicks, but the intent of the remarks as evidenced below is to prevent violence,” read the post. “In ensuring this end is met, it is vital that our politicians have a correct read on the pulse of their constituents. Again, we only pray that City of San Antonio and Texas politicians are receiving this message.”


A Twitter user shared an excerpt of Haselhoff’s quote about the state going after the private property of Texans, reacting, “This man has my Vote.”