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GOP Reps Call Out Biden: ‘High-Level Treasonous Dealing’

Holland McKinnie
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As allegations over Joe Biden’s purported involvement in his son’s foreign business dealings continue to circulate, Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) and other GOP representatives are not holding back. Steube maintains that if proven true, these dealings constitute nothing less than treason.

According to Steube, the Biden family’s business dealings favor countries that often conflict with American interests – including Russia, China, and several Middle Eastern nations. Steube argues that such activities undermine our national security and well-being, echoing the sentiments of Benny Johnson, host of The Benny Show, who declared, “It seems as though they are strip mining this nation and selling us off for parts to some of our biggest enemies.”

Steube agreed, firmly believing that “this is treasonous activity from the highest level in our country.” He expressed his hope that if a Republican wins the presidency in 2024, they will proceed with charges. “I hope that if a Republican, God willing, wins the presidency in 2024… they will move forward with charges like that,” Steube said.

The Florida congressman was particularly critical of the hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars sent to Ukraine, a country from which the Biden family has reportedly received millions in business deals. The clear implication from Steube is that such international financial activity could be seen as potential bribery or quid-pro-quo.

Furthermore, the potential illicit dealings are not confined to President Biden’s son. House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) has brought forward concerns that these questionable dealings have ensnared the President’s granddaughter in a “major bank violation.”

Comer alleges that money was “funneled” through shell companies to one of Biden’s grandchildren to hide it and evade taxes. Comer states that this unsuspecting young woman could face significant financial trouble due to these actions, none of which she presumably had any part in.

Comer emphasized that these transactions implicate not just Hunter Biden but the President himself. “Joe Biden is a real bad guy here. I mean, Hunter Biden is terrible, but his dad is the reason that he is the way he is,” Comer noted. He believes these actions depict Biden as a poor leader and a bad role model.


Steube and Comer’s concerns center on a serious allegation – that the President of the United States has been complicit in financial transactions that potentially undermine national security. As investigations continue, their implications could profoundly affect the future of the Biden administration and the country as a whole.

As these charges of potential treason and other illicit activities persist, Americans must remain informed and vigilant. Our nation deserves a leader whose actions align with our values and principles, not someone who may have compromised them for personal gain.

Should these allegations prove true, they not only paint a bleak picture of our current leadership but also underscore the need for a resurgence of integrity and principle at the highest levels of government. As Representative Steube so aptly put it, we need “people in there who care about the country.”