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Video Captures Thieves Stealing 87-Year-Old Man’s Wheelchair

Graham Perdue
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Surveillance video captured the shocking theft of an 87-year-old man’s expensive wheelchair scooter by two men in Irving, Texas. Bob Woods was on the front porch of his caretaker’s home in April cleaning airsoft guns when the two men approached him. 

They offered Woods to purchase the rifles and electric scooter from him for $1,200. 

He agreed, and they proceeded to take the items in full view of the video camera. Then they left to bring him back the money owed, but they never returned. 


There’s an old saying about the existence of a “special place” for people who commit certain heinous acts. Stealing an 87-year-old man’s wheelchair should qualify the guilty parties for an express ticket to that warm location.

Woods told KTVT-TV that he trusted them. However, they repaid his faith when “they took it and they left, and they didn’t pay me back.”

Woods’ caretaker, Amanda Rodriguez, had driven her child to soccer practice. She returned and discovered the elderly man in her care had been scammed by a pair of thieves, and then she remembered her surveillance cameras.

Rodriguez checked the video and found clear footage of the two alleged scammers. She then notified the police before spreading screenshots of the men on social media in hopes of someone identifying them.


The caretaker marveled at the evil act that was perpetrated in front of her home. “It’s wrong in all aspects. How are you going to sit there and take advantage of an elderly man?”

To make matters worse, Woods suffers from dementia. When asked, he had a difficult time recollecting how much he paid for the scooter before finally remembering that it cost $4,500.

The Irving Police Department distributed the video footage showing the two men loading the scooter in the back of a maroon pickup and tying it down. Authorities asked for the public’s assistance to notify them if they recognize either of the two suspects.

As Rodriguez noted, it takes a certain kind of individual to scam an elderly man with dementia out of his wheelchair. With any luck the police will receive a tip shortly and Woods will regain his mobility from the two crooks.