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Conservatives Demand Boycott Of ‘Woke’ Razor Brand For ‘Glorifying’ Transgenderism

Anastasia Boushee
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Right-leaning social media users are excoriating “woke” razor company Harry’s Razors after a video promotion from the company went viral showing a woman who claims to be a “transgender man” going through the process of shaving her face — with the company including in their advertisement that “100% of profits” from the purchases of the specific face and body shave kits in the ad will be donated to the Trevor Project.

The nonprofit organization that Harry’s Razors has chosen to donate to openly promotes transgender treatments for minors.

The advertisement was shared on X, formerly known as Twitter, by the popular account End Wokeness.


“Harry’s Razors partnered with a ‘trans man’ (female) to promote their razor set 100% of the profits from this set go to the Trevor Project, which promotes gender surgeries for minors,” End Wokeness tweeted, sharing the video.

The Daily Wire host Ben Shapiro responded to the video, pointing out that this kind of woke advocacy was why his company started their own razor company, Jeremy’s Razors — whose website is a direct attack on Harry’s Razors.

“There’s a reason we started Because you shouldn’t give your money to companies that glorify mutilation and sterilization,” Shapiro tweeted.

Matt Walsh, another Daily Wire host, agreed with Shapiro’s comments — while also arguing that Harry’s Razors should be the next company to face boycotts akin to the recent successful conservative boycott of Bud Light.

“Harry’s glamorizes self-mutilation in an effort to sell razors. If you still buy products from this company this is what you are directly supporting. We’ve taken down Bud Light. Now it’s Harry’s turn,” Walsh wrote.

In a follow-up tweet, Walsh highlighted another video shared by End Wokeness — this one showing the CEO of Harry’s Razors using the left’s new woke terms for parents, calling fathers “non-birthing parents” and mothers “birthing parents.”

“This company only wants your business if you are uberwoke. Everyone else should take the hint and take their money elsewhere,” Walsh commented.

Numerous conservatives have since responded to Walsh, Shapiro and End Wokeness’ tweets to confirm that they have canceled their subscriptions to Harry’s Razors — advocating for all conservatives to join in a boycott of the “woke” company.