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Biden’s Niece Aided Hunter’s China Deals During Obama Years

Holland McKinnie
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As America grapples with foreign influence and national security, recent reports reveal that Joe Biden’s niece, Casey Owens, was deeply involved in passing information to Hunter Biden about China Investment Corporation (CIC) during the Obama-Biden administration. This revelation further blurs the line between personal family affairs and government business, raising crucial questions about the integrity of the Biden family’s operations.

In 2010, Owens was employed as a special assistant for the United States-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue at the Treasury Department. She reportedly sent emails about CIC, China’s largest sovereign wealth fund, to Hunter Biden and his business partner, Eric Schwerin. The two were part of Rosemont Seneca Advisors, a now-defunct investment firm.

Email correspondence indicates Owens sent Hunter and Schwerin an itinerary of a CIC investment conference. She wrote, “FYI on recent CIC investment conference at a resort in Sanya, on Hainan Island, over the weekend of March 27-28.” Around the same time, Hunter had met with CIC’s Chief Investment Officer, Gao Xiqing, suggesting that Rosemont Seneca was attempting to court Chinese investments actively.


While Owens was serving in an official capacity related to U.S.-China relations, her involvement was far from limited to representing U.S. interests. The question that arises is, why was a Treasury Department employee emailing a family member about a state-owned Chinese corporation known for managing a sizable portion of China’s foreign exchange reserves?

Moreover, Owens’ correspondence wasn’t a one-time event. She continued communicating with Hunter’s associates about CIC, furthering Rosemont Seneca’s agenda. An insider source admitted that Owens’ input most likely aimed to enhance Rosemont Seneca’s likelihood of attracting CIC investment, although no known agreements came to fruition.

This report can’t be viewed in isolation but adds to a mounting dossier on the Biden family’s financial dealings. With Hunter Biden already under scrutiny for his business ventures, including another Biden family member working from the inside raises legitimate concerns. Given China’s rising global power and its often contentious relationship with the U.S., any potential avenues for undue influence should be transparently reviewed.

Before leaving the Treasury, Owens sent an email to “Uncle Joe,” believed to be another pseudonym for then-Vice President Biden, expressing how impactful the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue had been for her. While the email might seem sentimental, it’s a subtle reminder of how deeply interconnected the Biden family is regarding matters of state.
