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Javier Milei Expected To Deliver Pro-Life Referendum To Argentina

Graham Perdue
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Argentinian President-Elect Javier Milei is expected to deliver on his campaign promise of a pro-life referendum. The 53-year-old libertarian vowed to let the country’s voters speak on whether unborn babies should be protected by the law.

Describing himself as an “anarcho-capitalist,” the new political superstar previously stated he supports the sanctity of life at all stages. 

Milei told Tucker Carlson in September that he is against abortion due to the fact that “one of the most fundamental aspects [of true liberalism] is to defend the right to life.” 


He did not mince words in his backing of the pro-life cause. “It’s a fact that life begins at conception, it’s at that very instant that a new being begins to evolve with its own DNA.”

Milei hardly stopped there. He explained his belief that life starting at conception makes abortion “a murder.” He said this act is perpetrated “against a child that has no way to defend themselves.”

Argentina’s Congress three years ago legalized abortion up to the 14th week of pregnancy. There are exceptions built in past that point. 

The president-elect called that act “not clean.” 


Many have high hopes that Milei and his pro-life vice president-elect, Victoria Villarruel, will enact positive changes to protect unborn children. Villarruel in the days before the election said she wants “serious arguments” based on scientific and not ideological positions.

She blasted the current situation that finds women aborting their children “at term.” Under current law, Villarruel said abortion is now “stretched to infinity.”

Argentine Catholic leader Father Javier Olivera Ravasi celebrated Milei’s victory. Posting on X, formerly Twitter, he called the political win a “great guarantee for many. May God help you keep your principles to the end.”

Lila Rose, the influential American president and founder of Live Action, posted her congratulations on X after Milei emerged victorious. “The pro-life candidate for president of Argentina, Javier Milei, has just won. Congratulations @JMilei! Make Argentina pro-life again!”

Fellow Latin American leaders expressed their optimism. Mexican pro-life activist Marcial Padilla said Milei’s win represented “another stage” for Argentina. “Not easy, but necessary.”

And Felix Maradiaga, a former Nicaraguan presidential candidate and president of the Foundation for a Free Nicaragua, lauded the turn from leftist ideology.

He called the decision by Argentina’s electorate “a breath of fresh air in the Americas, which heralds better times in the face of the absurdities of socialism.”