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Abbott Issues Order To Track Healthcare Costs From Illegal Immigration

James King, MPA
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Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has issued an executive order aimed at calculating the financial impact of healthcare provided to illegal immigrants in Texas. Abbott announced that the Biden-Harris administration would be held responsible for these costs. The order directs Texas hospitals to gather and report data on healthcare services given to individuals not legally residing in the U.S., starting November 1, 2024. Abbott emphasized that Texas taxpayers should not bear the burden created by what he described as the federal government’s lenient border policies. He assured that the state would pursue reimbursement from the federal government for these expenditures.

The executive order specifies that hospitals must report the number of inpatient discharges and emergency visits involving illegal immigrants and the associated costs. The data collection is scheduled to begin next year and will not interfere with patient care. By January 2026, hospitals are required to submit annual reports to the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, and the Speaker of the House detailing the previous fiscal year’s costs related to these patients.

Abbott criticized the Biden-Harris administration, holding them accountable for the financial strain placed on Texas due to their border policies. He stated that Texas would fight to ensure that the federal government reimburses the state for the medical expenses incurred. Abbott’s stance reflects a growing frustration in Texas over what he perceives as a lack of federal support in managing the state’s border-related challenges.
