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Alleged Failed Trump Assassin Linked To Extreme Pro-Ukraine Views

Eric Simmons
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Ryan Wesley Routh, the suspect in a recent assassination attempt on President Donald Trump, has revealed alarming views in his 2023 memoir. The book, co-written with his fiancé Kathleen Schaffer, delves into Routh’s belief that Ukraine must prevail in its ongoing conflict with Russia, despite his view that the war is “unwinnable.”

Titled Ukraine’s Unwinnable War: The Fatal Flaw of Democracy, World Abandonment, and the Global Citizen-Taiwan, Afghanistan, North Korea, and the End of Humanity, the memoir outlines Routh’s radical stance on Ukraine and his hostile opinions about Trump. Routh’s text suggests that the U.S. should support Ukraine by any means necessary, including extreme actions like the assassination of Trump.

In the book, Routh wrote, “I presume that I must be clear, that while on the current path Ukraine will not win, it is imperative for the world that they do win, and that’s why this book is so important, for us to recognize that losing is not an option and what we must do to win.” His rhetoric extends to a disturbing endorsement of violence against Trump, stating, “You are free to assassinate Trump as well as me,” indicating his extreme views on the matter.


Routh, who has previously supported various Democratic causes and candidates, was apprehended following the latest assassination attempt. On Sunday, while Trump was on a golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida, Secret Service agents spotted a rifle barrel protruding through a fence. Routh was soon captured after fleeing the scene. Authorities discovered a rifle and other suspicious items near the location.

Routh’s extremist pro-Ukraine stance and his recent actions, including attempts to recruit fighters for Ukraine and support for progressive causes, highlight a troubling connection between his radical political beliefs and his violent actions. 

President Donald Trump continues to advocate for a balanced approach to international conflicts, aiming to end the Ukraine-Russia war diplomatically and prevent further escalation. In contrast, Routh’s actions reflect a dangerous obsession with ensuring Ukraine’s victory at all costs, even if it means resorting to violence here in the U.S. and an assault on the “democracy” that we’re told is being defended in the Eastern European war.