Amateur Boxer Takes On Robbers While Walking His Dog

Deep-blue states such as California have seen a sharp uptick in the crime rate over the past several years, including some of the wealthiest enclaves like the Sunset Strip in West Hollywood.
While countless citizens have become victims under the state’s leftist leadership, perpetrators sometimes select the wrong target. That was apparently the case last Tuesday when a trio of attackers attempted to rob the owner of Lab Sunset Athletic Club.
Rocco DiStefano, an amateur boxer, recalled walking his dog when three masked men — at least one of whom was brandishing a firearm — jumped out of a nearby vehicle and confronted him.
“I turned around, and I’m looking down the barrel of the pistol,” he said. “They’re yelling, ‘Take it off, take it off,’ and at that point, I try to run and I realize I’m running into a corner. The only thing I can think to take off, I’m looking at my Rolex. So I take off my Rolex and I clasp it in my hands and I tell them, ‘You’re going to have to take it from me.’”
He went on to describe the altercation that ensued.
“I was able to tackle the guy in the gray hoodie that’s hitting me from behind into the person with the gun,” DiStefano said. “And when I hit him with the gun, both of them fell down.”
He was able to retreat to a nearby business with just a few cuts and bruises, and his watch and dog were unharmed. Although he credited his physical fitness for giving him the ability to fight off the attackers, he said his personal background and mental preparedness for such a situation were also key factors in his ability to escape danger.
DiStefano did note, however, that the experience has caused him to rethink when and where he wears his Rolex from now on.”
“I don’t want to stop living my life because of these things, but I’ll definitely be more cognizant of where I wear jewelry,” he concluded. “They’ll have to do a lot more than kick me and hit me to take me down.”