Biden Flying Hundreds Of Thousands Of Migrants Into US

The Biden White House is frantically shuffling the deck attempting to hide the true scale of the illegal migrant invasion of the U.S. The reality is the administration is permitting hundreds of thousands to fly directly into the nation’s interior through the CBP One program.
Now hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants may apply for legal status through the CBP One app. This is nothing more than the Democrats’ way of enabling a claim of reducing illegal migration when it is nothing of the sort.
The goal of filling future voter rolls with currently illegal migrants is quickly becoming true.
The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) produced new and startling data. While it is still being compiled, research revealed that 221,456 Venezuelans, Haitians, Cubans and Nicaraguans were approved for air travel into the country to undetermined destinations.
President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security allowed the multitudes to skip crossing the border. Instead, they have the handy CBP One app to apply directly to their choice of cities of entry instead of along the southwestern border.
Once they land, U.S. Customs officers take note of them and release them into the country.
In other words, no more cameras at the border recording the tens of thousands simply walking unabated and unvetted into the U.S. The true numbers may be hidden from view as these migrants touch down in unsuspecting cities across the nation.
The administration is noticeably laying low on this new program even as it brings hundreds of thousands into the country.
There is already strong backlash from even Democratic strongholds such as New York City and Chicago. People are tired of seeing waves of military-aged males lining up on the streets waiting for their government benefits.
So there is a shift in strategy.
Now these illegal migrants simply fly directly into Nashville, St. Louis or Denver or wherever without the slightest bit of fanfare. Without any public or media scrutiny they are permitted anonymous entry.
And even better for the Biden administration, the shift will likely mean that numbers at the southern border will eventually diminish. That way Democrats can claim success on tackling immigration while still allowing the invasion to continue unabated.