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Bragg’s Election Promise Was To Prosecute ‘Rich, White’ Trump

Holland McKinnie
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Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is pursuing a long-standing promise to find any reason to prosecute President Donald Trump, notwithstanding whether or not the 45th President has committed any crime. Bragg, who has extensively bragged about his qualifications to prosecute Trump to win his election, has expressed confidence in his ability to build a case. Recently reported claims Bragg made on the campaign trail lead any objective observer to question whether Bragg is motivated by a genuine pursuit of justice or by political ambition and influence from progressive billionaire George Soros.

Back in 2021, Bragg discussed potential avenues for prosecuting Trump in a radio interview on Hot 97’s Ebro in the Morning. While he acknowledged that he did not know all the facts, he still claimed there was a “path forward” to make a case. During his time as chief deputy in the attorney general’s office, Bragg sued the Trump administration over 100 times, including cases related to the Muslim travel ban, family separation at the border and issues related to the national 2020 Census. His office also handled the Trump Foundation and Trump University cases.


In the same interview, Bragg hinted that Trump’s status as a wealthy, older white man had allowed him to evade accountability, citing Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein as examples of the “white privilege” he was committed to prosecuting. He also argued that Trump’s children were involved in fraudulent real estate deals in New York City. While Bragg claimed he was cautious to avoid prejudging the facts, his statements suggested his predisposition towards prosecuting Trump.

The Manhattan grand jury considering charges against Trump was expected to reconvene Monday. The only apparent focus of the investigation was alleged “hush-money payments” made during the 2016 election campaign. 

Trump has dismissed these allegations as “fake cases” and suggested that Bragg’s office had already dropped the case. After last weekend’s rally in Waco, Texas, Trump confidently stated to reporters, “I think they’ve already dropped the case. It’s a fake case. Some fake cases, they have absolutely nothing.”

Meanwhile, Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee have demanded that Bragg testify before Congress about the probe, prompting Bragg’s office to issue a statement in response. The statement argued that it is inappropriate for Congress to interfere with pending local investigations, accusing federal elected officials of hindering and undermining the legitimate work of dedicated prosecutors.

Bragg’s eagerness to prosecute Trump and his past statements raise concerns about his motivations. With his campaign heavily financed by progressive billionaire George Soros, questions about political influence and ambition cannot be ignored. Moreover, his previous claims of being the candidate with the most experience dealing with Trump and his strong convictions on Trump’s alleged lawlessness point out his politically biased approach to the case.
