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California Bill Promotes Zero-Down Mortgages For Illegal Aliens, Sparks Citizen Backlash

Eric Simmons
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A controversial California bill advancing in the state legislature could offer zero-down mortgages to illegal aliens, leaving many Americans feeling overlooked. Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula (D) introduced AB 1840, which expands the California Dream for All Shared Appreciation Loan program. The bill would grant up to 20% of a home’s purchase price as a loan for illegal immigrants, with no interest or monthly payments. Critics argue that while American citizens struggle to afford homes in a high-cost market, illegal immigrants receive financial aid at taxpayers’ expense.

San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond voiced concerns over California’s $60 billion deficit, calling the bill fiscally irresponsible. Desmond argues that resources should be focused on legal residents and citizens instead of rewarding those who entered the country illegally. The program requires loan repayment only when the home is sold or refinanced, making it an attractive offer for illegal immigrants who might otherwise struggle to secure financing.

Supporters claim the program promotes social equity by extending homeownership to all residents, regardless of citizenship status. Arambula stated that everyone deserves the chance to benefit from homeownership, framing the bill as a matter of fairness. However, opponents argue that prioritizing illegal aliens adds to an already significant burden on taxpayers.


The bill has cleared the Senate Appropriations Committee and now heads to the state Senate for a full vote. If passed, it could set a precedent for similar programs across the country, further inflaming the debate over who should be prioritized in state-funded initiatives.