Classified US ‘Afghanistan War Logs’ Posted To Bitcoin Blockchain

The mysterious “Project Spartacus” this week made an unusual effort apparently to support Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. The project placed the classified and controversial Afghan War Diary on the Bitcoin blockchain.
This act simultaneously made the contents available while preventing the data from being deleted, removed or edited. The war logs were initially posted online in 2010, setting off an explosive chain of events and sparking a raging controversy over government secrets.
The anonymous Project Spartacus contacted Bitcoin magazine and acknowledged it posted the information on the blockchain.
The apparatus used is a computational protocol called Ordinals. This is a method that is not new but has only recently been utilized to make the cryptocurrency operate as a free publishing platform.
Through Ordinals, the traditional and quite powerful publishing industry is completely circumvented. The vast array of multinational powers determined to police all content are removed from the process, which takes the written word directly to the people.
And though hardly a covert process, the public glare has yet to descend onto this new sphere.
The section of the nation’s attention span that focuses on new technology has recently been occupied by artificial intelligence advances. There is, however, a growing realization that Bitcoin is practical for far more than simply digital currency.
Now the possibilities for sharing information while completely bypassing the normal gatekeepers are growing exponentially. In this instance, it is believed that the utilization of Bitcoin benefited a man wanted by the U.S. government.
Assange founded Wikileaks in 2006 as a non-profit media group. He came to the project as an Australian editor, publisher and activist. Currently he is in a battle with Washington over extradition proceedings due to the revelation of classified materials on the platform.
Besides spreading his work, this latest development also represents an opportunity for Bitcoin’s developers.
The globe’s leading cryptocurrency has up until now been marketed as a replacement for government-backed currency and an easy way to buy. Many saw it, quite mistakenly, as a chance to make a quick buck.
It is increasingly apparent that Bitcoin has far more uses than just being a digital wallet. The online world is increasingly hostile to those who do not subscribe to leftist orthodoxy, and a platform free from rigid controls would be beneficial to many.