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Clinton Calls For ‘Formal Deprogramming’ Of Trump ‘Cult Members’

Chris Agee
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Autocratic regimes around the world have resorted to re-education camps and other extreme measures to deal with citizens who failed to adopt a mandatory point of view — and failed 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton appeared to endorse a similar strategy to eradicate support for former President Donald Trump.

During a CNN interview on Thursday, she called for the “formal deprogramming of the cult members” who continue to endorse the policies of her 2016 Republican rival. 

Clinton began by offering faint praise to the “sane” House Republicans who “voted along with Democrats to keep the government open” over the weekend.

“But I think they are intimidated,” she added. “They oftentimes, you know, say and do things which they know better than to say or do.”

In order to curtail the freedom of thought that is apparently so threatening to her leftist worldview, she insisted: “It will require us defeating those most extreme measures and the people who promote them in order to try to get to some common ground where people can again work together.”

The former secretary of state defended her call to “defeat” her political enemies by claiming that it is “the way it used to be” in American politics.

“I mean, we had very strong partisans in both parties in the past and we had very bitter battles over all kinds of things — gun control and climate change and the economy and taxes,” Clinton said. “But there wasn’t this little tail of extremism wagging the dog of the Republican Party as it is today.”


Using the Democratic Party’s new pejorative of “MAGA extremists” to demonize the millions of Americans she previously described as a “basket of deplorables,” she wondered when they would “break” with the former president.

“You know, because at some point, you know, maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members,” she opined. “But something needs to happen.”

Despite the best efforts of his rivals, Trump remains the clear front-runner among Republican 2024 presidential candidates and has opened up a polling advantage against President Joe Biden. Clinton reluctantly acknowledged this reality in her recent remarks.

“At this point, I think, sadly, he will still be the nominee and we have to defeat him and we have to defeat those who are the election deniers, as we did in 2020 and 2022, and we have to just be smarter about how we are trying to empower the right people inside the Republican Party,” she said.