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CNN Criticizes Biden’s Debate Performance Against Trump

James King, MPA
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In the first presidential debate of 2024, President Joe Biden faced significant criticism, even from CNN commentators. Biden, 81, debated former President Donald Trump in Atlanta, Georgia, as both men aim to secure their parties’ nominations for the upcoming election.

During the debate, Biden struggled with several responses, raising concerns about his age and capability. Van Jones, a frequent supporter of Biden, described his performance as “painful” and admitted that the president “didn’t do well at all.” Anderson Cooper also noted the “painful moments” before playing a clip of Biden stumbling over his words.

Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) took to Twitter to question Biden’s viability, suggesting that the Democratic Party might soon abandon him. Lee tweeted, “How long before Dems ditch Biden?” He even suggested that Biden should be removed from office, hinting at the 25th Amendment. Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) echoed these sentiments, stating that Democrats are likely discussing Biden’s fitness for office.


The debate itself was fraught with contentious moments. Trump criticized Biden’s handling of various issues, including the U.S. border, energy independence, and international reputation. When asked if he would block abortion medication, Trump responded that he would not. He also dismissed concerns about his actions on January 6, 2021, emphasizing his administration’s achievements.

Biden, on the other hand, struggled to communicate effectively, leading Trump to comment that even Biden did not seem to understand his own statements. This added to the perception of Biden’s faltering mental state.

CNN’s Erin Burnett reacted to a particularly troubling clip, stating, “That was a painful moment to watch.” This sentiment was shared by many viewers and commentators, amplifying concerns about Biden’s ability to lead.

Trump used the debate to highlight his perceived successes, asserting that under his leadership, the U.S. had a strong border, was energy independent, and had low taxes and regulations. He contrasted this with Biden’s tenure, claiming it has damaged the nation’s reputation.

Biden defended his presidency, arguing that Trump’s actions are a threat to democracy and emphasizing the urgency of addressing climate change. However, his faltering performance left many wondering about his capability to continue as president, with some Democrats already considering alternatives.


As the Democratic National Convention approaches, the party faces mounting pressure to reassess Biden’s candidacy. The debate has intensified discussions about whether a new nominee might be necessary to ensure a strong challenge to Trump in the upcoming election.