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Democrats Pitching Gun Control To Suburban Women 

Holland McKinnie
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As the Democrats recalibrate their strategy in their relentless quest for tighter gun control, suburban women, and oddly enough, Republicans, are their new target demographics. The brainchild of this plot, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), plans to push new legislation that curtails gun rights in the name of “public safety.”

Yet, this move, a naked appeal to the emotions of suburban women and Republicans, is manipulative and misguided. The Democrats’ myopic focus on “gun violence” often bypasses a balanced exploration of the issue, cherry-picking data to justify their draconian policies. They omit critical context that explains why the shootings occur, focusing solely on the instrumentality of guns, thus conveniently sidestepping uncomfortable conversations about societal ills, mental health and the failure to enforce existing laws.

A misdirected plan has also been put forth by former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN), who oddly seems to be aligning with Democratic sentiment. Frist has suggested that Republican voters’ views on gun control are changing, citing “today’s data” about mass shootings involving high-capacity magazines and assault weapons. This stance contradicts conservative principles of upholding constitutional rights and personal freedoms, and it reeks of the Democrats’ fear-driven rhetoric.

Frist’s contention raises questions about his sources, considering the polling venues’ leftist undertones. An early May poll by “All In Together,” a nonprofit women’s civic education group, and “Echelon Insights,” a GOP polling firm, purported that suburban voters support stricter gun laws. However, it’s crucial to scrutinize the underlying motivations behind such polls, their sample size and the nature of questions asked to ensure they truly represent the views of the suburban women they claim to speak for.

The Democrats’ strategy to manipulate public sentiment through skewed interpretations of data and questionable polling is further evidenced by Minority Senate Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) wavering stance. Despite previously supporting the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, McConnell’s stance needs to protect the constitutionally protected rights of law-abiding citizens.

The Democrats’ call for gun reform goes beyond infringing on Americans’ rights. It is a calculated effort to cast the narrative so that any opposition can be easily labeled as indifferent to public safety. This narrative oversimplifies the complex issue of gun violence and undermines efforts to address the root causes.

Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), who was crucial in negotiating last year’s gun violence legislation, makes a salient point. He argues that an assault weapons ban wouldn’t solve the problem, given the millions of semi-automatic rifles already out there. His statement is a reminder that knee-jerk reactions and emotional pleas won’t lead to practical solutions to gun violence.


So, as the Democrats eye suburban women to corral support for their latest assault on the Second Amendment, it’s crucial to remember that rights aren’t up for negotiation, regardless of how the narrative is framed. The call is for Republicans, particularly suburban women, to remain vigilant against these emotional and manipulative strategies.