Democrats Using ‘Worker Turnover’ For Federal Election Power Grab

The Democratic Party is on a mission to seize control of elections from local and state officials and dictate the process from Washington. This way, radical progressives may all but ensure that leftists will succeed now and into the future.
It matters not that the Constitution did not assign this authority to the federal government. What matters is control.
This push originated with “emergency” measures during the COVID-19 pandemic and is now spearheaded by Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes (D).
He cited, among other excuses, “worker turnover” as a reason for a federal takeover of the election process.
Besides the well-documented issues with last year’s governor’s race in Arizona, Fuentes recently lamented that he is constitutionally restricted from erasing former President Donald Trump from the state ballot.
Calling the decision by the Arizona Supreme Court “stupid,” Fontes said his hands are tied and state voters apparently will be able to vote for the candidate of their choice.
He demanded billions in federal dollars to pour into local election coffers to fund balloting. Never mind that these dollars from Washington will result in federal control, it is the stated goal of progressives to guarantee that Trump will never again be elected president.
Much of the effort is spearheaded by the so-called “bipartisan” Issue One. This organization is funded by George Soros’ son Jonathan, the left-wing Center for American Progress, the League of Conservation Voters and other like-minded liberal groups.
Issue One tries to make a case for keeping “dark money” out of politics. In truth, and the New York Times admitted this, so-called “dark money” propelled the Democrats to victory in 2020.
The true goal is to stifle First Amendment rights. The left is wholly uninterested in ridding politics of the influence of money, just in restricting conservative dollars supporting conservative candidates.
Imagine how Democrats would react to a proposal to keep millions in union checks out of their coffers.
Issue One fabricated a narrative that Trump supporters “threatened” poll workers and thus elections and even democracy. The mainstream media dispersed this rhetoric and propped up a so-called “solution” to solve the imaginary crisis.
That solution is federal control. Washington leftists want to take over ballot collecting and federalize U.S. elections. There is no shortage of election workers, only honest leadership willing to stand up to Democrats’ naked power grab.