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FBI, Hospitals Teamed Up To Take Guns From Patients

Chris Agee
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The current administration has been consistently hostile toward gun-owning Americans, with President Joe Biden repeatedly vowing to roll back Second Amendment rights in response to various acts of gun violence.

According to a shocking new report based on a Freedom of Information Act request by the group Gun Owners of America, however, the push to take guns away from law-abiding citizens was in full effect before Biden entered office.

As the Washington Examiner reported, the FBI attempted to coerce individuals in hospitals across the United States to voluntarily give up their right to possess firearms. Reports about the controversial form by which the bureau can achieve such forfeitures have been public since at least 2019, but the latest information adds a troubling new wrinkle to the narrative.


A report published last year revealed that between 2016 and 2019, the FBI presented such forms to at least 15 individuals at their homes in hopes that they would voluntarily admit that they lacked the “mental capacity” to own firearms or believed they would be a “danger” to themselves or others. 

In response to those revelations, GOA outside counsel Robert Olson asserted: “We’re into a pre-crime, Minority Report-type of world where the FBI believes it can take constitutional rights away from anyone it thinks possibly might pose a threat in the future.”

Subsequent documents cited by the organization indicated that officials also presented the forms to patients at medical facilities in New Hampshire, Delaware, Massachusetts, and Oklahoma, dating back as far as 2011. Use of the form was reportedly discontinued entirely in 2019.

The earliest reported use in such context reportedly occurred at a mental health clinic in Oklahoma and was signed by a licensed healthcare provider.


As in response to earlier allegations regarding the self-assessment forms, the latest revelations led to fierce criticism from pro-Second Amendment advocates and GOP lawmakers.

U.S. Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA), for example, accused the FBI of “weaponizing” the National Instant Criminal Background Check System “to advance the left’s dangerous agenda of dismantling our Second Amendment liberties and disarming our nation.”

He went on to call for a thorough investigation by Congress that would “hold all unelected, anti-gun bureaucrats involved accountable for forcing Americans to relinquish their constitutional right to keep and bear arms.”