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French Right And Left Unite To Challenge Macron’s Pension Overhaul

James King, MPA
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In a surprising political move, Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) has announced support for a motion by the left-populist France Unbowed (LFI) party to overturn President Emmanuel Macron’s recent pension reforms. This alliance between the right and left aims to reverse the controversial decision to raise the state pension age from 62 to 64.

The pension reform, implemented by Macron despite lacking a parliamentary majority, sparked significant protests across France. Many argue that the increase in retirement age undermines the social security system, particularly as the country continues to experience high levels of immigration. Critics claim that the influx of migrants is failing to offset the aging population’s strain on welfare benefits.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the LFI, has spearheaded the effort to repeal the pension changes, gaining unexpected support from Le Pen’s RN. Loiret Thomas Ménagé, an RN lawmaker, expressed the party’s alignment with the left on this issue. “The only majority available on this text is with the deputies of the RN group. The repeal of the pension reform is also part of our program,” Ménagé said.


Marine Le Pen further emphasized the RN’s commitment to social justice by announcing plans to propose similar legislation in October. “We will then see who will be on the side of social justice… or not!” she proclaimed.

While France’s mainstream and leftist parties have traditionally avoided supporting RN-led initiatives, the shared goal of reversing Macron’s pension reform has brought these political adversaries together. This collaboration highlights the growing dissatisfaction with Macron’s administration and showcases the potential for unconventional alliances in French politics.