Fury Over Hung Jury In Brutal Attack On Asian Jeweler

What appeared to be an open-and-shut case backed by stark video evidence proved to be anything but in a Delaware courtroom. Now community members are outraged over the hung jury that resulted in the trial of a man accused of a brutal beating of an Asian jewelry store owner.
Suspect Calvin Ushery will have to be tried again on charges that he beat 68-year-old Chang Suh with a hammer and stomped on his head.
Jurors, despite being shown the video in court, told the judge that they could not reach a verdict. The Delaware Department of Justice confirmed there will be a retrial of Ushery.
The attack at Solid Gold Jewelers in downtown Wilmington unfolded in Sept. 2022 in the course of an alleged robbery. Jurors were immediately shown the video of the suspect beating the owner during opening statements in the trial.
Ushery’s attorney, Matthew Keating, admitted to the jury that the video “provokes a lot of emotion.” He asked them not to jump to conclusions or hold the evidence against his client.
Apparently they didn’t.
Keating insisted that jurors should remember when viewing images from the store that “similar doesn’t mean the same.”
The attack began when the suspect pistol-whipped Chang, knocking him to the floor. The robber then methodically put items he chose into a bag. But even as the elderly owner offered no resistance, the attacker randomly would strike him anyway — twice with his hammer.
As he left, the robber used a cloth to wipe the surfaces. He attempted to hide his identity with sunglasses.
Chang spent four days in intensive care and is now unable to walk due to the extent of his injuries. He is fortunate to have survived the vicious attack.
Security cameras captured the suspect pedaling away from the scene on a bicycle. A similar bike was found when police searched Ushery’s apartment, and surveillance footage showed the suspect attempting to sell a large quantity of jewelry at two area pawn shops in the ensuing days.
Jurors were also told that Ushery was taken into custody after attempting to sell jewelry to a woman at a local gas station. The items were identified by the Chang family as originating from the store.
But that along with video evidence apparently was not enough for at least one member of the jury. Therefore the suspect must be tried again.