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Haley Finally Bows Out After Crushing Super Tuesday Losses

Graham Perdue
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Former President Donald Trump’s last remaining challenger is no more. Nikki Haley, who served as his ambassador to the U.N. and more recently as his primary rival stepped aside Wednesday after taking major losses across the country on Super Tuesday.

It took longer than it should have for the former South Carolina governor to acknowledge what every honest observer realized: There is no chance she would overcome the popular Trump, and the party must be united to bring down a dangerous incumbent.

Haley’s inevitable announcement came in Charleston, a coastal city in her home state where she was also trounced by the 45th president. 


Even as defeats piled on top of defeats, she clung to the false hope that a coalition of anti-Trump Republicans and Democratic crossovers could be cobbled together. But that was not to be.

She told her remaining supporters that she would remain in the GOP presidential race through Tuesday, and she did. But as the sun set on her White House hopes in the evening, Haley held no public events and remained cloistered with her campaign team.

And it was a nearly unanimous decision.

Only in Vermont, where she escaped with a slim victory over Trump, did Haley show signs of life. But that was far from enough as the former president took 14 out of 15 caucuses and primaries and made his nomination a mere formality.


Though she signed a pledge with the Republican National Committee to support the party’s eventual nominee, Haley resisted throwing her weight behind Trump could there be a No Labels run in her future?

But that is a selfish and self-defeating tactic that the party faithful see through.

GOP Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R), herself a former Trump press secretary, told Fox News’ “America Reports” Tuesday afternoon that the moment has come to unite the party.

Sanders added to her already solid endorsement of the former president. “I do think it is time for her to step aside and let the party rally fully around Donald Trump so that he can take Joe Biden on and beat him in November.”

Aside from a few extreme never-Trumpers, this is certainly the party consensus going forward. The primary season is over, and what is important is to unify and save the country from Biden and his leftist allies.

Even Haley should finally recognize this.

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