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Hunter Biden’s Tax Trial To Center Around Authenticated Laptop Data

James King, MPA
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As Hunter Biden’s tax evasion trial approaches, the contents of his verified laptop are expected to play a crucial role in federal prosecutors’ case against the first son. The laptop, which was once dismissed as a hoax and “Russian Disinformation” by the mainstream media and Permanent Washington, has now been authenticated by the FBI and will likely provide key evidence of Biden’s long history of tax problems.

Emails obtained from the laptop by Just the News reveal Hunter Biden’s tax delinquency and failed attempts to settle his substantial debts with the IRS while continuing to live an extravagant lifestyle. The indictment filed in the Central District of California cites a pattern in Biden’s tax avoidance, highlighting his failure to report income from the Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings in his 2014 tax return.

Correspondence between Hunter Biden and his former partner, Eric Schwerin, shows efforts to amend Biden’s 2014 return to reflect the unreported Burisma income, which amounted to approximately $400,000. The indictment also alleges that Biden failed to pay his full tax liability in 2015, owing $106,020 to the IRS when he halted payments in March 2018.


The laptop emails suggest that Hunter Biden’s failure to pay taxes stems from his profligate spending and “extravagant lifestyle.” Schwerin’s emails indicate that Biden had overdrawn his advances from his Rosemont Seneca company to cover his expenses, including renovations to his house.

Despite the significant evidence of Hunter Biden’s tax evasion, the indictment does not mention President Joe Biden’s role in his son’s business dealings, which is also suggested by the laptop emails. IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler have testified that pursuing evidence related to Joe Biden was “off the table” during the investigation.

As the tax trial approaches, the court-verified laptop files are expected to be central to the prosecution’s case against Hunter Biden, shedding light on his long-standing tax issues and lavish spending habits.
