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Jean-Pierre Fumbles Justification For Troops At ‘Secure’ Border

Holland McKinnie
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White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre found herself in a challenging position this week when attempting to explain why the Biden administration is deploying troops to a border she and others in the administration have claimed is “secure.” Her response, “Because we need more work. We need more—work needs to be done,” left many scratching their heads.

Jean-Pierre’s statement came during a press briefing when Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked why the administration was sending the military to the border if it is secure. The Press Secretary tried to blame Republicans in Congress for inaction, stating, “We are putting forth processes to deal with the changes that are going to be ahead of us.”

Despite reassurances from Jean-Pierre, Vice President Kamala Harris and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas that the border is secure, the Biden administration plans to deploy 1,500 active-duty troops to the border ahead of the expiration of Title 42, a pandemic-era rule allowing border agents to turn away migrants. These troops will assist with administrative duties, joining the 2,500 National Guard troops already in place.


The deployment of troops contradicts Jean-Pierre’s claim that “illegal immigration” has “come down by more than 90%.” In reality, illegal immigration reached a record high in 2022 with 2.76 million encounters. When pressed about her statement, Jean-Pierre tried to shift the focus to an immigration parole program instituted by Joe Biden. However, Customs and Border Protection data show that border encounters in recent months are on track with last year’s record-breaking numbers.

Adding fuel to the fire, hundreds of Department of Homeland Security staffers are undergoing training this week to aid in catch-and-release efforts through May and June, anticipating a border surge. A senior Homeland Security official told the Washington Free Beacon, “Once again, the Biden administration is using the rest of the government to wave more migrants through.” The administration gives $290 million to a George Soros-linked nonprofit that helps illegal immigrants fight deportation.

The mounting evidence at the border suggests that the Biden administration’s claims of a secure border are far from accurate. With record-breaking numbers of illegal immigrants and the deployment of additional troops, it is difficult to reconcile Jean-Pierre’s assertions with the reality on the ground. Moreover, as Title 42 expires, concerns about a new surge of migrants and the strain it will place on border towns and communities across the country continue to grow.

It seems that the administration’s approach to addressing the immigration crisis is to legalize more migrants rather than focusing on securing the border and finding long-term solutions. However, this strategy has been criticized, particularly by Republicans who oppose mass legalization. As the situation at the border continues to escalate, the question remains: How long can the Biden administration maintain its narrative of a secure border while sending troops and resources to manage the crisis?
