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Judicial Watch Sues CIA Over Secret Role In January 6 Capitol Protest

James King, MPA
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Judicial Watch is taking legal action against the CIA, seeking the release of records related to the agency’s involvement in the January 6 Capitol protests. President Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch revealed that documents show CIA operatives were present at the Capitol during the protests, a revelation that has stunned many Americans who were unaware of the agency’s domestic activities on that day.

Speaking with BlazeTV hosts Jill Savage and James Poulos, Fitton expressed his concerns: “It’s a surprise to Americans that the CIA was conducting law enforcement activities here in America.” He explained that the organization had filed a comprehensive Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, but the response was stonewalled, leading Judicial Watch to file a federal lawsuit.

The documents obtained by Judicial Watch suggest that CIA personnel were involved in responding to explosive devices found near the RNC and DNC headquarters, as well as providing support during the chaotic events inside the Capitol. The lawsuit focuses on several key areas where the CIA might have been involved, including shots fired inside the Capitol, bomb-related operations, and after-action reports on January 6.


Fitton emphasized the importance of transparency, stating that “law enforcement personnel working for the CIA on the ground on January 6, certainly that ought to be disclosable or disclosed to the American people.”

The lawsuit adds another layer of intrigue to the ongoing investigation into January 6, raising questions about whether the CIA’s involvement goes beyond what has been publicly acknowledged. The potential implications of these findings have sparked intense debate over the role of intelligence agencies in domestic affairs and the need for greater oversight.