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Kamala Harris’ Running Mate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz Praised Chinese Communism To Students

James King, MPA
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Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D), Kamala Harris’s pick for vice president in 2024, is facing backlash for comments he made in the 1990s praising Chinese communism while teaching at a Nebraska high school. 

According to a 1991 article in the Alliance Times-Herald, Walz extolled the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to his students, describing it as a system where “everyone shares” and the government ensures all citizens receive equal provisions.

In the article, Walz is quoted telling his class that under Chinese communism, “everyone is the same,” with doctors and construction workers earning the same income. He further emphasized how the government provides food and housing, portraying it as a model of equality. 


However, Walz failed to mention the darker realities of the CCP’s policies, particularly its brutal enforcement of the one-child policy. Instead, he misrepresented the policy as merely a tax on families with more than one child, neglecting to address the forced abortions and sterilizations imposed by the regime.

These revelations come as the House Oversight Committee begins investigating Walz’s connections to Chinese officials. Critics argue that his past admiration for the CCP raises serious questions about his judgment and suitability for national office. 

With the 2024 election approaching, Walz’s comments are likely to fuel conservative concerns about the direction a Harris-Walz administration would take, particularly regarding foreign policy and human rights.