Le Pen Warns Lawlessness In France Is ‘Off-The-Charts’

French political leader and patriot Marine Le Pen asserted this week that lawlessness in her country is pouring out of the inner cities and into the countryside.
The former presidential candidate further accused the government of ignoring the obvious reality. Le Pen cited a recent tragic crime that highlighted the infiltration of the nation by lawless immigrants who prey on citizens.
Thomas was a 16-year-old rugby player who was stabbed to death early Sunday morning. He had the misfortune of attending his village’s winter ball at the same time a city gang attacked the gathering and stabbed several attendees.
Le Pen told an interviewer, “A kid died in circumstances that should never have existed. This tragedy corresponds to the feeling that many French people now feel: No one is safe anywhere.”
She said the nation has crossed “a new threshold.” Organized attacks target French citizens through armed militias dispersing from urban centers.
The conservative political leader cited examples of villages that no longer hold festivals because of the threat of looting. Meanwhile, officials only respond with “their indignation and their compassion,” ignoring the root cause of the chaos.
Le Pen expressed optimism that the dire situation can be reversed. She said that those in power have not addressed the growing problem, so “it is still too early for pessimism.”
She said that politicians are similar to doctors in that they cannot find a solution if they refuse to acknowledge the symptoms and reach a diagnosis.
Just last week, the French Senate by a large majority passed a new immigration bill to crack down on the flood of illegals. It facilitated the deportation of those deemed to be a threat to public safety while adding resources to combat smuggling networks in the Mediterranean.
The body, which is controlled by conservatives, rejected the automatic work visa approval and replaced it with a system that would only grant visas in certain circumstances.
The granting of automatic work visas, according to Sen. Francois-Noel Buffet, served as too much of a lure for illegal migrants. He said this mistaken policy created “massive immigration inflows.”