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Michigan Man Critically Injured In Suspected Political Attack

James King, MPA
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An 80-year-old man in Hancock, Michigan, is fighting for his life after an ATV driver allegedly ran him over while he was putting up a President Donald Trump sign in his yard. Authorities believe the incident was politically motivated.

On Sunday, Hancock police responded to reports of three related incidents, all likely involving the same suspect. The first two incidents involved vandalism to vehicles. One car had its tire valves broken off, and another had its windows smashed. Hancock Police Chief Tami Sleeman provided details on the damages in a press release.

The most serious incident occurred when the elderly man was reinstalling Trump signs in his front yard on Anthony Street after the ATV driver had allegedly removed them earlier. Around 5:45 p.m., the suspect returned and allegedly ran over the man with his vehicle, causing severe injuries.


The victim was rushed to UP Health System hospital in Portage, where he remains in critical condition with possible brain injuries. “We’re not sure what could happen. Could he die from these injuries? Possible,” said Chief Sleeman.

Police suspect that all three incidents were politically motivated and targeted Trump and law enforcement supporters. They quickly identified a suspect, who was later found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Authorities discovered the ATV used in the attack and seized electronic devices for forensic analysis.

The suspect’s identity has not been released, and investigations are ongoing. Authorities have assured the public that there is no further threat.