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National Rally Supporters Claim Establishment Manipulated Election Results

James King, MPA
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Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) supporters are accusing French establishment parties of using deceitful methods to block their success in the recent snap elections. RN activist Luna Aimé shared her grievances in a BBC interview, saying, “Nine parties had to join together to beat one, which still increased its number of [lawmakers].” Although the RN received the most popular votes, it ended up third in the National Assembly, behind the far-left and globalist coalitions.

Jordan Bardella, RN president, condemned the coalition formed by President Emmanuel Macron’s bloc and an extreme left alliance, calling it an “unnatural alliance” that prevented the French electorate from selecting an alternative political direction. “An unnatural alliance prevented the French people from freely choosing a different type of politics,” Bardella stated.

On Monday, the Renaissance party aligned with Macron vowed to block the RN from key National Assembly roles. This effort also targeted the far-left France Unbowed (LFI) party, which won the most seats of any individual party in its bloc. Outgoing Prime Minister Gabriel Attal convened a meeting to ensure unity among the ‘Macronist’ faction and to prevent RN and LFI from gaining significant roles.


Raheem Kassam, Editor-in-Chief of The National Pulse, forecasted that the differences between the far left and the Macronists would lead to legislative dysfunction and possibly another snap election if they cannot agree on a governing agenda.

Beyond political strategies, the RN has faced sustained opposition from various entities, including the corporate media, the left, and the judicial system. Prior to the election, a coalition of deep state officials announced their intent to oppose Le Pen and her party should they win outright and form a government.

As the RN deals with these accusations and challenges, the political environment in France remains tense. The future of French politics appears uncertain as establishment and populist forces continue to clash following the snap election.