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Obama Misled Public On Biden’s Health At Fundraiser, Report Reveals

James King, MPA
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A New York Times report has revealed that former President Barack Obama misled the public about President Joe Biden’s mental state during a fundraiser in Los Angeles last month. This disclosure is fueling calls for Biden to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race.

The controversy began with a viral video from the June fundraiser showing Biden pausing mid-speech and appearing confused before being guided off the stage by Obama. Mainstream media quickly dismissed the video, and the White House launched a “cheap-fakes” campaign to discredit it. Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed the video was a bad-faith effort by right-wing critics and referenced fact-checkers who labeled it misinformation.

Jean-Pierre also cited a statement from Obama denying any concerns about Biden’s performance that night. Obama’s senior adviser reinforced this message on social media, insisting that the incident had been misrepresented.


According to the New York Times, however, Obama was deeply disturbed by Biden’s apparent disorientation during the fundraiser. This revelation starkly contrasts with the public denials issued by Obama and his team.

The initial response from Obama and his aides did more than just deflect criticism; it actively painted concerned voices as dishonest. This tactic provided the media with a basis to dismiss legitimate concerns about Biden’s health, branding them as right-wing propaganda.

Now, with Biden’s condition potentially threatening Democratic success in the upcoming election, Obama and his associates have altered their narrative. The Times described this turn of events as “Shakespearean,” but critics argue that the media’s failure to question Obama’s initial denials undermines journalistic standards.

This situation exposes significant issues of trust and transparency within the Democratic Party. When first confronted with Biden’s apparent difficulties, Obama and his aides not only denied any problem but accused critics of spreading falsehoods. The media’s quick acceptance of this narrative further complicated matters.

As discussions about Biden’s potential withdrawal continue, the fallout from this incident is likely to linger. The credibility of Democratic leaders and the media has been called into question, highlighting the broader implications of political convenience over honesty. Obama’s role in managing this narrative showcases his enduring influence and raises critical questions about the integrity of political discourse.
