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Outrage Grows Over First Cabinet Meeting In Nearly A Year, Led By Jill Biden

Eric Simmons
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As global crises escalate and domestic issues intensify, the Biden administration held its first cabinet meeting in nearly a year on Friday — only to have President Joe Biden pass the spotlight to his wife, Jill Biden, sparking outrage across social media and political circles. With significant challenges facing the nation, many are questioning the timing and leadership behind the meeting.

Jill Biden’s participation in the cabinet meeting, where she discussed the White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research, was met with sharp criticism. President Biden introduced his wife, stating, “This is the first time Jill has joined us, and it goes to show how important the issue is.” However, with the long gap between cabinet meetings, many are expressing frustration that this important session was handed over to an unelected figure.

Former Fox News host Andrea Tantaros voiced her concerns, saying, “I’m unsure which part is more disturbing. 1. That the White House held its first Cabinet meeting in a year; or… 2. Jill Biden is leading the first White House Cabinet meeting in a year.” Tantaros further highlighted the troubling nature of having someone without a security clearance involved in such a key meeting.


Former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy echoed these frustrations, commenting, “The same number of people have voted for Jill Biden to be President as have voted for Kamala: zero. Their new rule appears to be: the fewer votes you’ve earned, the more power you get to exercise.”

Commentators also noted that if a similar situation had occurred under the Trump administration, the media response would have been far harsher. Media analyst Joe Concha remarked, “If this was Melania Trump, these same ‘reporters’ would melt into an unrecognizable pile of goo…”

Critics are calling for greater transparency and questioning why it took nearly a year for the administration to gather its cabinet, particularly with so many pressing global and domestic concerns.