Poll: Most Americans Believe There Is Too Much Foreign Aid

As tens of billions in new foreign aid continues to pour out of the nation’s coffers, Americans signaled they’ve had enough. A new Rasmussen poll found that 57% of the country believes there is too much being sent overseas.
These likely voters clearly know that Congress just put its stamp of approval on another $95 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.
Rasmussen Reports recently found that on top of the majority who believe the expenditure is over the top, only 10% found it to be too little. Another 23% were happy with the current level of foreign funding.
Ukraine will receive $61 billion more in U.S. generosity, Israel gets $26 billion and Taiwan will be given $8 billion.
But on top of the majority of respondents opposed to this level of foreign aid, there are many conservatives in Congress ready to draw a line in the sand.
Republican critics concede that this latest battle was won by the Biden White House. However, some already declare that there will be no more going along with Democratic demands for more outlays.
Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) emphatically asserted that funding for the Eastern European war will end. “If Ukraine thinks that it’s getting another $60 billion supplemental out of the United States Congress, there’s no way.”
Biden administration officials touted the latest package as the last needed for the current year. This is possibly a signal that Congress will be asked once again in 2025 to sign a gargantuan check for Kyiv.
This further means that November’s presidential and congressional races may well hinge on voters’ appetite for more foreign aid. The latest poll indicated that there is a definite limit to how much more in taxpayer dollars going to foreign countries will be tolerated.