Relaxing Presidency: Biden On Seemingly Endless Vacation

Basking in the Delaware sun, it’s clear Joe Biden has a soft spot for relaxing vacation time. Statistics compiled by RNC Research reveal that Biden has reportedly spent 39.2% of his presidency on vacation, spending at least 353 days of his term so far off-duty.
Drawing comparisons with former presidents, Biden’s leisure time surpasses his predecessors. Barack Obama spent a mere 38 days on holiday during his term. President Donald Trump registered 132 vacation days, mainly at Mar-a-Lago and Bedminster. Even George W. Bush, known for frequent retreats to his Texas ranch, logged only 100 vacation days in his two-term presidency.
Biden’s chosen haven? His holiday home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. The beachside retreat has become a hotbed for presidential relaxation. On Saturday, Biden was spotted soaking up the sun, sporting blue swim trunks adorned with sea turtles, engrossed in a book alongside the First Lady.
However, critics argue that such extensive vacationing is only sometimes the issue. The problem lies in Biden’s frequent absences from the White House during times of crisis. Recall August 2022, when the world watched in shock as Kabul fell to the Taliban. At that crucial time, Biden was reportedly relaxing at Camp David.
The vacations also raise fiscal concerns. Public funds have been directed to enhance Biden’s private getaway. A $456,000 federal contract was awarded to a Delaware construction company in September 2021 to erect a security fence around Biden’s beach house. Later revisions escalated the project cost to almost $500,000, all footed by American taxpayers.
It’s noteworthy to point out Biden’s tough week at the White House preceding his latest beach outing. A cocaine scandal erupted with a discovery near the West Wing’s basement entrance. The White House labeled any speculation connecting the illicit substance to Hunter Biden, an admitted crack cocaine addict, as “irresponsible.”
Additionally, Biden’s economic plans, now termed by the White House as “Bidenomics,” have drawn significant backlash. Critics see them as thinly-veiled attempts to increase taxes, escalate spending and instigate business-strangling regulations likely to drive up prices.
The week was further marred by accusations aimed at Biden for allegedly ignoring his estranged granddaughter. Maureen Dowd, in a New York Times Op-Ed, condemned Biden’s refusal to acknowledge his seventh grandchild. At the same time, he continually emphasizes family’s paramount importance.
A dichotomy is apparent. While the world grapples with significant challenges, Biden seems to retreat into vacation. Yes, the presidency is an arduous job, and everyone deserves rest. However, the timing and frequency of Biden’s holidays, paired with taxpayers’ money used for personal security, question the commitment to duties he was elected to perform.
As the American people face trials, they hope for a leader who perseveres alongside them, not one who consistently escapes to a beachside retreat. And so, the country waits for next year’s election while Joe kicks back in the sand.